


Daniela Valdez said...

It is a really cool pic!

Yuuum, I love carrots :)

Marie said...

ahh polaroids are amazing.

l said...

that's such a great picture, I wish people could still take polaroids

and if you're bored, there's officially 99 hours of lost out there, that's a way to kill anywhere from 4 days to a lifetime

Hannah said...

Hahah the Lennon glasses would be bomb. Even to just have and not wear :P

Aweh, well I hope your headache goes away soon, love!


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Hey, hope you're feeling better! I'm relaxing all weekend too! Very boring actually! xxoxoxo

ellie said...

Hope you feel better soon. Stuff is going around..especially, the sinus stuff..just when its getting nice.

Kay said...

Aww get well soon!
I like the picture (:

Anonymous said...

oh no, hope you feel better, my dear!