
Keffiyeh Scarves: Fashion Statement or Political Statement?

This is not a very recent controversy, but I decided to post it because I wanted to see what you all thought. Do you or would you wear this kind of a scarf, even after taking into consideration the statement they make? In my opinion, its a piece of cloth; I wear what I want. See what you think...

Keffiyeh: a traditional headdress for Arab men made of a square of cloth, usually cotton, folded and wrapped in various styles around the head.

In the early 2000s, keffiyehs were very popular among youths in Tokyo, who wore them with camouflage clothing. The trend recurred in the mid-2000s in the United State, Europe, Canada and Australia when the keffiyeh became popular as a fashion accessory, usually worn as a scarf around the neck by hipsters. They were sold at Urban Outfitters and TopShop. Urban Outfitters turned the keffiyehs into a youth trend a few years ago and marketed them as “anti-war scarves.”

In 2007 Urban Outfitters stopped selling keffiyehs after a pro-Israel activist complained about the items. A statement was issued that "the company had not intended to imply any sympathy for or support of terrorists or terrorism in selling the keffiyehs and was pulling them”.
Source: Wikipedia

Thoughts? Personally, I like my green one and wear it all the time. I don't really care what people think, I choose to wear it!

Thanks, Much Love!


Lucie Keprova said...

where i live, most young people wear them, even in multiple colours. everyone has the ´classic´ white and then some colored ones... xactly, just a cloth =)

Letskii :) said...

But it's not JUST a cloth is it? A swastika is not just a swastika; it is a universally recognised symbol with years of history and meaning behind it. A Jewish yellow star is not just that; again it means something. Whether or not you choose to wear the scarf as a fashion statement or as a sign of solidarity, it will always have a meaning behind it and those who are well educated enough to see beyond the shallow fashionable aspect of it, will know that it is a sign of peace for the people of Palestine.

Anonymous said...

It's a practical garment... No one cause or group has dibs on them. When I was over seas for Desert Sheild and then Desert Storm loads of us wore them. Lots of societies used various spins on it. Hell the U.S. Cavalry once wore big yellow ones. The Boy Scouts of America wear one in their uniforms(though it has shrunk to just a piece of uniform and isn't really functional). If everyone wore one it would become meaningless. If someone is looking for trouble or offences they'll always find'em....